Amy's Yoga
Amy's Yoga

Yoga with a Heart
Yoga with a Heart

Class Description
Class Description
These led classes are appropriate for adults and teens of all levels. The ashtanga pure primary series is followed with some emphasis on second series. "Variations on the theme" are incorporated, inspired by years of practice and trusting the body's innate wisdom and desire to return to a balanced state of wholeness. As we travel through the asanas (poses), there's lots of focus on the "invisible": 1-the bandhas or internal locks designed to lift and maintain healing heat and energy, 2- the breath, which moves that healing life force throughout the body in each posture, massaging internal organs, muscles, glands, nerves. Beneficial enzymes and minerals are released as well as all tension of mind and body. A subtle but deep purification has taken place. The mind is calm, the body is at peace. The side benefits are a longer, leaner, toned body to look at, but more importantly, a beautiful one to live in! This is very much an "inside- out" practice beginning with the "internal" journey. Each class ends with guided relaxation, breathing techniques (pranayama), energy balancing (reiki) and meditation. The room is comfortably warm but the practice itself should be the force behind heating the body safely and gradually rather than the temperature of the studio through piped in artificial heat.