Amy's Yoga
Amy's Yoga

Yoga with a Heart
Yoga with a Heart

Kids Yoga
Kids Yoga
This 45 minute lesson for kids of all ages follows a pace that holds even small children’s attention. I have created a yoga/dance technique that strengthens their bodies & immune systems while increasing their flexibility & physical-mental endurance. The postures, stories, music, instruments (bells, drums, singing bowls, etc), scarves, and bean bags for balancing spark their innate imaginations, freeing their hearts to allow for deeper joy! Parents welcome to participate. Partner postures are especially popular in family yoga as well as a birthday party favorite!
Some families enjoy in home "family yoga night". Yoga is a counter-balance to stress which can begin in childhood. I have worked with crew, track and soccer players with amazing results in releasing tightness and preventing injury through proper stretching and breathing! The breath matched with movement releases deeply stored physical tension in the cells . Repressed emotion can be stored in there as well. Adults and children alike are more equipped from yoga practice to welcome daily challenges: school, peer pressure, work, sports, relationships, LIFE!

Birthday Parties
Birthday Parties
Yoga birthday parties have been an extremely popular way of honoring a rite of passage such as turning a year older. They are available for kids of all ages (Adults too!). The parties are held at your home or the studio. They are one and a half hour parties with 45 minutes of yoga games and relaxation special songs for birthday child and 45 minutes of chatting, sharing anything you bring: snacks, pizza, drinks, cake, gifts etc.
The cost is $240. A $50 deposit is due on the booking date and the balance will be due on the date of the party.
Kids Yoga is offered now for birthday parties or in-home or studio scheduled lessons by appointment only.